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    Welcome to the exciting sport of snowmobiling.  We thought we share a few tips about snowmobiling.

    Tip 1: Safety First: Before you even sit down on a snowmobile, you need to know the fundamental safety concerns involved with riding. Any motorsport is dangerous, and snowmobiling is no exception. 

    Tip 2: Snowmobile Gear and Equipment: You’ll need to get your hands on some good gear and equipment when you are first beginning snowmobiling. This is (obviously) a cold-weather sport, and having the proper gear will help you stay safe and warm while you ride. Snowmobile helmets, snowmobile suit/ jacket or pants. 

    Tip 3: Buying a Snowmobile:  Buying a snowmobile is exciting. If you love the sport and want to get out in the snow as often as possible, buying a machine is a surefire way to get motivated and have easier access. If you have not ever had a snowmobile, possibly look into renting before purchasing one.

    Tip 4: How to Ride: Once you have a snowmobile, whether renting or buying your own, it’s time to ride! If it’s your first time, you should probably go with other experienced riders or a trail guide. They will be able teach you the basics and assist if anything goes wrong. 

    Tip 5: Maintenance: Once you buy a snowmobile, you’ll want to keep it in perfect working condition at all times. Staying on top of regular maintenance is key to getting a long life out of your machine, and learning a few basic mechanical tasks can help save you money.

    Tip 6: Where to Go Snowmobiling: In Illinois, we have over 2500 miles of trails.  Contact us for more information. 

    Tip 7: Rules and Regulations: No matter where you ride, there are some rules and regulations you’ll need to keep in mind. This mainly applies to riding on public lands where there are other riders and members of the public. Private land typically isn’t subject to the same regulations.

    For a more detailed read, check out a Beginner’s Guide to Snowmobiling.

    Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs Inc © 2025 All rights reserved.

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