Scholarship Program
2025 IASC Scholarship Program
All IASC members and their families are eligible to participate. All applicants must be full or part time students, carrying at least 9 credit hours and earning the equivalent of a “C” average or better at an accredited college, university, or technical college and must reside in the state of Illinois. 2 Scholarships will be awarded $2,500 & $1,000.
Applicant Procedure:
2021 1st-Katlyn Suhr, 2nd-Cole Adams
2020 1st-Savannah Strohacker, 2nd-Audree Tarrant
2019 1st-Kathleen McElmed, 2nd-Nathan McElmed
2018 1st-Nathan McElmed, 2nd-Audree Tarrant
2017 1st-Jessica Dicker, 2nd-Anna
2016 1st-Charlotte Metz, 2nd-Anne Dinges, 3rd-Kathleen McElmed
2015 1st-Anna Pendergast, 2nd-Kaitlin Hefel, 3rd-Lauren Black
2014 1st-Kaitlin Hefel, 2nd-Allison Van Landuyt, 3rd-Lindsey Hefel
2013 1st-Amy Johnson, 2nd-Carly Stadie, 3rd-Kaitlin Hefel
2012 1st-Haley Adams, 2nd-Amy Johnson, 3rd-Jordyn Strohman
2011 1st-Alexandra Nyman, 2nd-Kaitlyn Hefel, 3rd-Lindsey Hefel, 4th-Jordyn Strohman
2010 1st-Lindsey Hefel, 2nd-Fritz Werhane, 3rd-Jared Kempel, 4th-Jordyn Strohman
2009 1st-Kyle Grieshop, 2nd-Brianna Saunders, 3rd-Lindsey Hefel
2008 1st-Megan Hazzard, 2nd-Megan Sack, 3rd-Jessica Thompson
2007 1st-Nathan Furlong, 2nd-Kayla Shick
2006 1st-Bradley Voss, 2nd-Megan Hazzard, 3rd-Jessica Thompson
2005 1st-Ashley French, 2nd-Bradley Voss, 3rd-Sara Guderyhan
2004 1st-Sara Guderyhan, 2nd-Jennifer Vogelsburg, 3rd-Melissa Adams
2003 1st-Amy Workman, 2nd-Sara Guderyhan, 3rd-Laura Guderyhan
2002 1st-Jacqueline Faherty, 2nd-Sara Guderyhan, 3rd-Laura Guderyhan
2001 1st-Charles Heiderman, 2nd-Amy Workman, 3rd-Nicholas Guderyhan
2000 1st-Charles Heideman, 2nd-Nicholas Guderyhan, 3rd-Daniel Gerk
1999 1st-Nicholas Guderyhan, 2nd-Charlene Cleveland, 3rd-Troy Tonyan
1998 1st-Nicholas Guderyhan, 2nd-Amy Celesink
1997 1st-Amy Celesink, 2nd-Stephanie Olesen
1996 1st-Michael Peters, 2nd-Jane O’Connor
1995 1st-Donnette Miller
1994 1st-Tom P Pankonen
1993 1st-Denise Kottke
1992 1st-Mary Elizabeth Wright
1991 1st-Kevin Anderson
1990 1st-Susan Silberson
1989 1st-Kevin Anderson
1988 1st-Dana House
1987 1st-Tia Hambly
1986 1st-Tia Hambly
1985 1st-Donald R Boyer
I would like to thank all the clubs and regions for so generously donating to the scholarship program.
- Scholarships will be awarded based on original written essays submitted by the applicant. A panel chosen by the IASC scholarship chair will judge essays.
- The essay theme is: “During a low snow year, what suggestions do you have to keep the membership active in organized snowmobiling?”
- All applicants are required to have successfully completed a snowmobile safety class. A copy of the applicant's safety certificate must accompany each essay submitted.
- Format:
A. Two to four pages, typewritten and double-spaced. ** please do not send essay as a PDF
B. Essays will be judged on content, originality, neatness, spelling, and grammar.
C. Cover sheet:
- Name, address, phone, and email
- Parent's name and address
- Name and address of school
- Club president must sign cover sheet
- Include photograph of self
Click here to download the IASC Scholarship Application
Each scholarship check will be mailed directly to the recipient's school prior to the beginning of the second term, upon submission of any official transcript that shows the student has earned the equivalent of a "C" average or better. A special presentation will be made during the IASC Convention. Recipients and their immediate families are asked to be present.
All applications should be submitted via e-mail to: iascscholarshipfund@gmail.com. Essays must be received by April 1st, 2025.
The 2023 winners, Congratulations:
1st Place, $2,500.00 Sarah Hill
2nd Place, $1,000.00 – Dylan Dominowski
2021 1st-Katlyn Suhr, 2nd-Cole Adams
2020 1st-Savannah Strohacker, 2nd-Audree Tarrant
2019 1st-Kathleen McElmed, 2nd-Nathan McElmed
2018 1st-Nathan McElmed, 2nd-Audree Tarrant
2017 1st-Jessica Dicker, 2nd-Anna
2016 1st-Charlotte Metz, 2nd-Anne Dinges, 3rd-Kathleen McElmed
2015 1st-Anna Pendergast, 2nd-Kaitlin Hefel, 3rd-Lauren Black
2014 1st-Kaitlin Hefel, 2nd-Allison Van Landuyt, 3rd-Lindsey Hefel
2013 1st-Amy Johnson, 2nd-Carly Stadie, 3rd-Kaitlin Hefel
2012 1st-Haley Adams, 2nd-Amy Johnson, 3rd-Jordyn Strohman
2011 1st-Alexandra Nyman, 2nd-Kaitlyn Hefel, 3rd-Lindsey Hefel, 4th-Jordyn Strohman
2010 1st-Lindsey Hefel, 2nd-Fritz Werhane, 3rd-Jared Kempel, 4th-Jordyn Strohman
2009 1st-Kyle Grieshop, 2nd-Brianna Saunders, 3rd-Lindsey Hefel
2008 1st-Megan Hazzard, 2nd-Megan Sack, 3rd-Jessica Thompson
2007 1st-Nathan Furlong, 2nd-Kayla Shick
2006 1st-Bradley Voss, 2nd-Megan Hazzard, 3rd-Jessica Thompson
2005 1st-Ashley French, 2nd-Bradley Voss, 3rd-Sara Guderyhan
2004 1st-Sara Guderyhan, 2nd-Jennifer Vogelsburg, 3rd-Melissa Adams
2003 1st-Amy Workman, 2nd-Sara Guderyhan, 3rd-Laura Guderyhan
2002 1st-Jacqueline Faherty, 2nd-Sara Guderyhan, 3rd-Laura Guderyhan
2001 1st-Charles Heiderman, 2nd-Amy Workman, 3rd-Nicholas Guderyhan
2000 1st-Charles Heideman, 2nd-Nicholas Guderyhan, 3rd-Daniel Gerk
1999 1st-Nicholas Guderyhan, 2nd-Charlene Cleveland, 3rd-Troy Tonyan
1998 1st-Nicholas Guderyhan, 2nd-Amy Celesink
1997 1st-Amy Celesink, 2nd-Stephanie Olesen
1996 1st-Michael Peters, 2nd-Jane O’Connor
1995 1st-Donnette Miller
1994 1st-Tom P Pankonen
1993 1st-Denise Kottke
1992 1st-Mary Elizabeth Wright
1991 1st-Kevin Anderson
1990 1st-Susan Silberson
1989 1st-Kevin Anderson
1988 1st-Dana House
1987 1st-Tia Hambly
1986 1st-Tia Hambly
1985 1st-Donald R Boyer
I would like to thank all the clubs and regions for so generously donating to the scholarship program.

The IASC Earl and Nayola Nelson Scholarship
Earl and Nayola Nelson Scholarship program was started in 1985. It was named in their honor as a tribute to their writing talents as well as their commitment to the IASC and The Illinois Snowmobiler Magazine that they started and were the first editors. It is open to all club members who have taken the safety class and are at least High School seniors and are enrolled or enrolling as a full time student in College. It is an Essay Scholarship with yearly themes to follow. It has grown from 1 Scholarship awarded in 1985, to 2 in 1996 and then 3 in 1999. Starting in 2010 another was added with a total of $3250 in Scholarships given out. The Scholarships are fully funded by the generosity of the IASC Convention attendees. This program has also changed throughout the years and now awards 2 scholarships for $3500 total to the winners. The IASC is very proud of this program as the youth of the sport is our future.