The Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs had their 51st Annual Convention in Rockford, IL on 11/3/2023. It was a great event attended by many representatives of the 49 clubs located in Illinois. It was a busy weekend that included several meetings and our Annual IASC delegate meeting. In addition several seminars covering the subjects of Grooming, Trail signage and volunteerism were held., there were speakers that included Representatives from the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs KAOS program including the former Ms Snowflake, Rachel and representatives from the Illinois Department of National Resources. The Annual Banquet and Awards dinner was a well attended event and included a special recognition for Jane Austin, the IASC office Administrator who is retiring after 37 years of service. Enjoy your retirement Jane! The Scholarship Auction was a lot of fun while raising money for the IASC scholarship program. Also, at the annual Banquet and Awards dinner, the following people were honored for their commitment and dedication to the sport of snowmobiling and presented with the following awards:
Glue Award: Jane Austin, present by Bill Brown of Region 7
Sam Madonia Award: Jane Austin, presented by Bill Brown of Region 7
Harry Kroll/Mel Blaurock Memorial Award: Dick Aresenau, (accepting the award for Dick was Chris Stevens), presented by Don Schaefer of Region 1
Snowmobile Family of The Year: Tom & Judy Kruse, presented by George Thompson, President IASC
Snowmobile Dealer of the Year: Dockside Marine, prsented by GeorgeThompson, President IASC
Snowmobiler of the Year: Jeff Lehman, presented by George Thompson, President, IASC
SEP instructor of the year: Sue Giese, presented by the Pat Pendergast, IASC SEP Chairperson
Scholarship Winners: Sarah Hill and Dylan Dominowski, presented by Stephanie Steward, IASC Scholarship Chair
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your dedication to help snowmobiling in Illinois!